Becky Gates Children's Center

At the Becky Gates Children's Center, active learning is at the core of all adult-child interactions, the learning environment, daily routines and observational assessment.

The center:

  • Serves Texas A&M University students, faculty and staff
  • Offers USDA’s Gold-level certified breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack daily.
  • Uses an emergent curriculum, focusing on the whole child.
  • Promotes the notion that children learn best through active participatory play.
  • Is licensed to care for 200 children (ages 12 months to 6 years with a school age program in the summer)

The center is located at 1125 Hensel Drive and is open Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., year-round. To enroll your child, visit the website, read the Family Handbook and complete the waitlist application.

The center also works with academic departments on the Texas A&M campus to provide educational opportunities and experiences for students. This includes observations, practicums, internships, field experiences and research projects. If research falls under jurisdiction of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for human subjects research, parents will be notified of the study and IRB approval number.  If you are interested in partnering with center, contact the director at

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